Fan Lustfully yours!!! xo xo xo I endorse the celebrator it makes me cum my brains out!Get it girls!
Alex Claremont-Diaz graduates summa cum laude from Georgetown University with a bachelor's degree in Government, his Google alerts read when he checks them from the back seat of the limo, before he's even taken his cap and gown off.
亚历克斯·克莱蒙特-迪亚兹 (Alex Claremont-Diaz) 以优异成绩从乔治敦大学 (Georgetown University) 毕业, 获得了政府学士学位,当他在豪华轿车后座查看谷歌警报时,他甚至还没有脱下帽子和礼服, 就读到了这些警报。