I shall act ditto.
A curious eye, privileged to take an account of stock and investigate behind the counter, would have discovered a barrel, yea, two or three barrels and half ditto, —one containing flour, another apples, and a third, perhaps, Indian meal.
" Pair of silver candlesticks: inlaid work-table and work-box: one large mirror: two small ditto: one gilt china tea and coffee service: one silver tea-pot, coffee-pot, sugar-basin, jug, and dozen spoons: French clock: pair of curtains: six large pictures" .
" 一对银烛台:镶嵌工作台和工作箱:一面大镜子:两只小镜子:一件镀金瓷器茶和咖啡器具:一个银茶壶、咖啡壶、糖盆、壶和十几个勺子:法国时钟:一对窗帘:六幅大画”。
Ditto " Maestro, " Bradley Cooper's second directorial effort, after " A Star Is Born." He's cast himself as the composer Leonard Bernstein, opposite Carey Mulligan as Bernstein's wife, Felicia, and his decision to wear a prosthetic nose has already set off controversy.