The druggist suggested a preparation to relieve the ache.
" Cut some off, " replied the druggist.
" 剪吧!" 师答道。
" Hush! hush" ! said Emma, pointing with her finger to the druggist.
" 嘘! 嘘!" 艾玛用手师说。
" It's only to get away from that fat fellow, you know, the druggist" . She pressed his elbow.
" 我是要躲开那个胖子:你知道,我说的是师。" 她用胳膊肘捅了他一下。
She is working to give druggist in developing nations an easy way to identify drug contamination.
Your girl or your mother will pick this up walking through the grocery store or the druggist's.
" What a terrible catastrophe" ! cried the druggist, who always found expressions in harmony with all imaginable circumstances.
" 那真是祸天降!" 师叫了起来,不管碰到什么情况,他总不会没有话说。
The druggist, at his wit's end, began softly to draw aside the small window-curtain.
My dad was the local druggist.
'Are all these men druggists? ' I asked.
But he did not finish, choking beneath the crowd of memories that this action of the druggist recalled to him.
582. The ugly druggist gauged the huge plug in the refugee's rug.
" Yes, I am going, " replied the druggist, astonished. " Am I not a member of the consulting commission" ?
" 是的,到那边去," 师诧异地回答道, " 我不是咨询委员会的委员吗?
When the druggist found him, he was drunk and his dresser was full of wine.
Leon watched the clock in despair. The druggist went on drinking, eating, and talking.
The druggist woke him up with a drumstick then hung his clothes on the dressing table to drip-dry.
Thirty-six hours after, at the druggist's request, Monsieur Canivet came thither. He made a post-mortem and found nothing.
三十六小时后,应师的邀请,卡尼韦先生赶来了。 他解剖后,找不到什么病。
Leon vowed that he must get back to his office. Then the druggist joked him about quill-drivers and the law.
莱昂说,老天在上,他得到事务所去了。 但是师却拿公文程序开玩笑。
" Be calm, " said the druggist; " we have only to administer a powerful antidote. What is the poison" ?
" 镇静一点!" 师说," 只要吃下烈性的解毒就行。 服的是什么毒?"
Then came the chemist and druggist, with other tabular statements, showing that when they didn't get drunk, they took opium.
" By Jove! they go in for more than that, " exclaimed the druggist.
" 天呀! 他们还有花样呢!" 师喊道。