" The spirit of rebellion is still upon you, " sighed the ecclesiastic.
" 你的抵触情绪还没消呢。" 神甫叹口气说。
All the inferior ecclesiastical benefices comprehended within the diocese were collated by the bishop, who bestowed them upon such ecclesiastics as he thought proper. All church preferments were in this manner in the disposal of the church.
" My boy, " he said, " I have conversed of Zosimus and the gnostics at the table of a very learned ecclesiastic, quite another Peiresc. The wine was coarse and the fare but middling, but nectar and ambrosia floated through the discourse" .
“我的孩, ” 他说,“我在一位非常博学的牧师, 完全
另一个 Peiresc 的餐桌上与 Zosimus 和诺斯替教徒交谈过。酒很粗糙,食物也很一般, 但花蜜和仙酒在谈话中飘荡” 。