Its exact etymological origins are unknown, but there are several candidates.
In fact, that's where the word “month” comes from; “month” and “Moon” are cognates, words that have similar etymological histories, and in most languages, including English, the two words are very similar.
If feeling that " of obscure origin" is the best we can do for copacetic, take a look at the long etymological note at the entry for copacetic at for a discussion of the word's history.
如果觉得“起源不明” 是我们能为 copacet 做的好的事情,请查看 上的 copacet 条目中的长词源注释,以讨论该词的历史。
Its cause was not helped by examples such the " p" which was added to the start of ptarmigan with no etymological justification whatsoever other than the fact that the Greek word for feather, ptera, started with a " p" .
之类的例子的帮助, 它被添加到 ptarmigan 的开头, 没有任何词源学理由, 除了希腊语中的羽毛一词 ptera 以“p” 开头。