The machinery of the state, and the production of luxury goods, was so well structured that it could work perfectly well despite any foibles at the top.
For, these are matters totally beneath a female who is acknowledged by universal admission to be far above the numerous little foibles and weaknesses of her sex.
Some 30 states use so-called direct-recording devices, usually with electronic screens, that were initially seen as an antidote to hanging chads and other foibles resulting from archaic punch-card devices.
While she has been doing all these things, you no doubt have been observing her failings and foibles and deciding what effect they have had on her opinions.
She must have thought from his silence and gravity afterwards that he was very much displeased with her, that he was inclined to be harsh and severe towards her foibles.
Silas Q. Scuddamore had many little vices of the more respectable order, and was not restrained by delicacy from indulging them in many rather doubtful ways. Chief among his foibles stood curiosity.