3.Beside fractional crystallization model,liquid immiscibility of Fluorine-rich granite magma is an important mechanism to form pegmatite and pegmatite type deposit.
4.Using this method, isopachic fractional fringe orders can be measured with compensator, and the parallax and drift of fringe pattern can be eliminated.
5.The appearance diffusion coefficient and the fractional anisotropy were measured for the splenium of the corpus callosum, the genu of the corpus callosum, and the hippocampus.
15.Measurements like fractional synthetic rate within 0 to 5 hours post-exercise were reduced by as much as 20 percent through leucine tracer observations.
18.A digital clock is only going to show you 3: 06 or 3: 07. It will never display any of the many fractional seconds between those two times.
数字时钟只会显示 3: 06 或 3: 07。它永远不会显示这两个时间之间的任何小数秒。机翻
「可汗学院Khan Academy Middle school physics - NGSS初中物理」评价该例句:好评差评指正
19.As PAUL fought the 'thopter's controls, he grew aware that he was sorting out the interwoven storm forces, his more than Mentat awareness computing on the basis of fractional minutiae.
当 PAUL 与“扑翼机”的控制装置战斗时,他逐渐意识到他正在整理交织在一起的风暴量,他的意识不仅仅是基于分数细节的 Mentat 意识计算。机翻
20.Every partial shift and twist of the slide replayed itself in his menory, moving with an interior stateliness that contrasted with the fractional second of real time required for the total recall.