The smoldering wreck fumed thick black smoke.
" It is an insult to you, Mrs. Meade, " he fumed.
" 这是对你的侮辱啊,米德太太," 他呼呼地说。
" I will devalue the shilling over my dead body, " Nyerere fumed afterwards.
The majority fails to understand what donor dollars can buy, fumed Mr Breyer.
" He tried to jinx me, in case you didn't notice! " fumed Harry.
The president has fumed about Bolton himself for months now, since Bolton left the administration.
Luca fumed in his room. He looked at his bedroom window, then at his bedroom door.
For two days, a very unhappy Thomas Jefferson sat and fumed while his words were picked over.
Afterward, as he sped his Mercedes down the freeway toward Cupertino, Jobs fumed to Rossmann about Madame Mitterrand's attitude.
" Ever since that puberty alarm went off, nothing around here works the way it's supposed to, " Anger fumed.
Shame on the politically motivated, morally bankrupt character assassins that would attempt to sully a man's good name, fumed Hatch.
For several days he fumed in silence.
Fix fumed, but he did not insist.
Spain protested, Napoleon's brother fumed, French newspapers objected;but the deed was done.
You done fumed and fussed so that I right shamed for you'.
你大发雷霆, 让我为你感到羞耻。
He fumed, turned, and behold somebody was at his elbow: Tabitha Lark.
他怒火中烧, 转过身,发现有人站在他的肘边:塔比莎·拉克。
" Confound that boy! You ought to shut him up or gag him" ! fumed Charlie irritably.
“混蛋那个男孩!你应该让他闭嘴或堵住他的嘴” !恼怒地激怒了查理。
Betton fumed at the delay, watched, wondered, fretted; then he received the one word " Impossible" .
贝顿对延误感到愤怒, 看着,疑惑,烦恼。 然后他收到了“不可能” 这个词。
" They done messed with the wrong fella, " Pa fumed when he found out what had happened.
" This is what you get, " fumed Patton, " when your commander-in-chief (Eisenhower) ceases to be an American and becomes an ally."