Priscilla was only eighteen when she met the grandee.
Less defensibly, a series of grandees—whether army officers, senators, press barons, or students at Yale and Harvard—are shown questioning whether there was any great moral difference between Britain and Nazi Germany, a view that was often tinged with anti-Semitism.
Tiger reportedly lost over half the value of its flagship fund and marked down its private investments by a quarter, torching $42bn in value and leading one VC grandee to speculate that it might turn itself into a family office.
据报道,Tiger 损失其旗舰基金半以上的价值, 并将其私人投资减价四分之,价值 420 亿美元, 并导致位风险投资大猜测它可能会把自己变成家族办公室。
Sernine told anecdotes which the baron capped with others; and it was a succession of stories of hunting, sport and travel, in which the oldest names in Europe were constantly cropping up: Spanish grandees, English lords, Hungarian magyars, Austrian archdukes.
Sernine 讲述男爵与其他人合影留念的轶事。这是系列关于狩猎、运动和旅行的故事,其中不断出现欧洲最古老的名字:西班牙显贵、英国领主、匈牙马扎尔人、奥地大公。