9.Besides, immediately following the implantation of the cementless porous-coated hip endoprosthesis, no bonding exists between the femur and the prosthesis.
12.Try to avoid retinol, retinyl palmitate and retinyl acetate, which may increase the risk of hip fracture and certain birth defects when taken at levels exceeding 10,000 IUs.
13.Grant Gaskin (Gaskin): Our hotel is very elegant and sophisticated, but not hip or trendy.In her we can see both the remnant of the old concession era and contemporary spirit.
14.Shortly before I started painting in March, I found that the new joints were still too long because the skirt armors could not properly encage the hip as shown in the third photo.
15.The shape of this kind of box, appearance that just has grown hip can add a few width and ply to the person, make a figure unapt thereby get malformation lankily long and thin.