We’ve been too indiscreet,to say the least.
An indiscreet remark triggered off a long and costly strike.
The journalist was criticized for making an indiscreet remark.
Am I indiscreet in asking you all these things?
I would ask one question, however, which you needn't answer if it's indiscreet.
Information. Nothing indiscreet. Nothing you'd feel...uncomfortable with. Just tell me what he's up to. - Why?
How could we have been so indiscreet?
That question was indiscreet on her part.
'It would be both unprofessional and indiscreet.
" You are conscious of having said something indiscreet" ?
" Is your doctor indiscreet enough to tell you such things" ?
“你的医生是否地告诉你这些事情” ?
And this person was so indiscreet because they just felt so loved.
这个人是此, 因为他只是感到此被爱。
'And, if I am not indiscreet, may I inquire upon what you base them'?
Ten to one, you would have thought him a tasteless, indiscreet, methodistical man.
十比一, 你会认为他是一个没有品位、、有条不紊的人。
'If you knew her you'd know it was impossible to ask her an indiscreet question'.
This sharp and indiscreet question wounded Julien deeply, and rendered him madder than ever.
I am afraid N — thought he had been indiscreet, for he passed quickly to another subject.
恐怕 N — 认为他了, 因为他很快就转到了另一个话题。
There have been hints, indiscreet allusions, that seem to indicate that the menace is a real one.
已经有一些暗示, 的暗示, 似乎明威胁是真实存在的。
" Weber, " he roared, " you're very indiscreet! I shall report you! ... Steinweg, have you those documents" ?
“Weber,”他吼道,“你太了!我要举报你!… … Steinweg,你有那些文件吗”?
Madame Mathilde made a futile effort to hide a burst of laughter, and subsequently was indiscreet enough to ask for details.
玛蒂尔德夫人徒劳地想掩饰一阵笑声, 随后地询问了细节。
You were most indiscreet, Your Majesty." " I was young—I am only thirty now—and I was only the crown prince then.
陛下,您真是太不检点了。” “我还年,现在才三十岁,那时我还只是太子。
A very big oak tree was quite near, and the trunk of that tree prevented him from being seen by the indiscreet.