I wouldn't want you to think that I'd inveigled you into an arrangement which was not what you'd expected.
A report this week by McAfee, a computer-security company, reveals the results of a five-year probe called Operation Shady RAT, examining attacks that use “Remote Access Tools” to inveigle access to computer networks.
计算机安全公司迈克菲这周的报告发布了一个名叫“Shady RAT” 为期五年的调查结果,有哪些攻击是使用“远程访问工具”来诱击计算机网络的。
Body number four, under dreary pretences of being droll (when it was very melancholy indeed), made the shallowest pretences of concealing pitfalls of knowledge, into which it was the duty of these babies to be smuggled and inveigled.
四号尸体,在沉闷的伪装下是滑稽的(当它确实非常忧郁时), 做了最浅薄的伪装来隐藏知识的陷阱, 这些婴儿有责任被偷运和诱骗。