And spectators found it whenever he played, with his elegant gazelle runs, his leaps and accelerations, his classy back-heels and his long, loping passes from midfield.
She loped down the corridor, like a Palomino racehorse in sunglasses, and lifted an elegant hand in greeting, as if it were simply too early for speech.
Then Zetta did a fake throw of the shovel, and the baby beast fell for it and went loping deep into the cave, looking and searching frantically for the tool.
They never have. Jon climbed into his saddle. When Bowen Marsh and their ranger escort had mounted, Jon put two fingers in his mouth and whistled. Ghost came loping out of the tunnel.
Once the horse had settled, Ghost loped along easily beside him. Jon caught up to Mormont as he was wending his way around a hawthorn thicket. " Is the bird away" ? the Old Bear asked.
I sat as still as a stump, and if he saw me, as I suspect, he was a gentleman and went on steadily with his business, then loped away with a graceful rocking motion.
The visual systems the same everywhere, it's always the opposite to lope in the back of the brain, it's never in the side of the brain, it's never in the front of the brain.