What do the lucidum cells contain and where are they foreign found?
They have a structure called the tapetum lucidum, which is Latin for “bright tapestry.”
它们有种叫做绒毡层结构, 在拉丁语中是“明亮挂毯” 意思。
Cats' eyes get their shine from a structure called the tapetum lucidum that sits behind the photoreceptors.
The color of that glow, also called eyeshine, depends on what the tapetum lucidum is made of.
光颜色, 也称为眼光, 取决于绒毡层成分。
Dogs' eyes contain a special membrane, called the tapetum lucidum, which allows them to see in the dark.
3. 狗眼睛有种特殊膜,称为绒毡层,可以让它们在黑暗中看到东西。
And they have the tapetum lucidum, which is the thing you see in cats' eyes or deer eyes or whatever that reflects light back at you.
Walls noted that many diurnal mammals had large corneas, fewer types of photoreceptor cells to see colors, and a tapetum lucidum—a reflective surface that increases light absorption by the retina.
Walls 指出,许多昼夜活动哺乳动物都有大角膜、较少类型感光细胞来识别颜色,以及绒毡层——种增加视网膜对光吸收反射表面。