He used his famous bow and arrows for more than harmless matchmaking: One strike could consume his victims with uncontrollable—and sometimes unwanted—desire.
China's online matchmaking market, targeting those looking for serious relationships and potentially marriage, is dominated by the likes of Baihe Jiayuan, Zhenai, and Youyuan.
The bike's matchmaking service comes just as the country's “sharing economy” including companies such as Hello Inc. have been raising their rental fees to keep up with inflation.
Zhang Yi, consulting CEO and chief analyst at research market firm iiMedia, told Sixth Tone that adding matchmaking services could be one of Hello Inc.'s efforts to commercialize its massive user base.
Matchmaking fairs and blind dates are still part of the festivities but even more well-known is the special day of e-commerce discounts that has emerged, pushing total sales up into the billions of dollars.
And, leaving the old lady to soothe her mind by polishing spoons and washing cups, Rose went away to find Phebe while the doctor retired to laugh over the downfall of brother Mac's matchmaking schemes.