Being accustomed to working methodically,I tried at first to arrange the photographs in order of importance.
Then they began to beat each finger with a stick methodically.
He then very methodically examined it all over with his double lens.
Rare is the household in which the division of labor is so clinically and methodically laid out.
Can the loss of a stable, happy existence be remedied with a methodically quantified pay out?
He was passing methodically in his orbit around the world, regardless of the lesser stars which gravitated around him.
The theft had been carried out methodically, according to a logical and inexorable plan.
根据合乎逻辑且无情计划, 盗有条不紊地进行。
He went through the papers methodically, one by one.
Then he went back to the pots, methodically turning them over one by one.
然后他回到罐子旁, 有条不紊地把它们一个接一个地翻过来。
The facts, taken methodically and in their proper order admit of only one explanation.
He examined his gun with such rigor? I watched as he methodically fiddled with the trigger.
From his home office, bouncing from Zooms to calls to text, he's methodically creating an empire.
在他办公室,从 Zooms 跳到短信,他正在有条不紊地创造一个帝国。
A classical computer has to methodically walk down every dead end until it finds its way out.
经典计算机必须有条不紊地走下每一个死胡同, 直到找到出路。
As usual, Rob methodically records each session in his own version of shorthand and then types it.
像往常一样,Rob 有条不紊地用他自己速记版本记录每个会话,然后打字。
Neatly and methodically, Poirot opened each drawer in turn, examined the contents, and returned them exactly to their places.
波洛有条不紊地依次打开每个抽屉, 检查里面东西, 然后把它们回原位。
By methodically building the case, and getting into the justices' heads, we were able to quite literally change the world.
通过有条不紊地立案, 进入法官头脑,我们能够真正改变世界。
I'd much rather go through my life and noticing where I'm lacking and filling in those gaps than working methodically through a textbook.
Sam never ate packet noodles or beans out of a tin: everything was made from scratch, as if he drew pleasure from doing things methodically.
His ability to walk was the first to start to go and David was now forced to either take a wheelchair or walk slowly and methodically.
Now and then I felt I ought to break out into a passion, but she took no notice and went on her way as methodically as ever.
时不时地,我觉得我应该爆发出激情,但她却毫不在意, 一如既往地有条不紊地继续前进。
Without its inventor to keep it on track, the test he had methodically gathered so much data to support began to be used in all sorts of speculative ways.