11.The omni- prefix has also given us similar words such as omniscient (meaning " all knowing" ) and omnivorous (describing one that eats both plants and animals).
12.But after he befriends the Pacific Islander Queequeg and joins Ahab's crew aboard the Pequod, Ishmael becomes more of an omniscient guide for the reader than a traditional character.
13.He also Christianized Merlin by giving him a backstory and turning him from a mysterious sorcerer to an omniscient, foiled antichrist who acted as a guide for Arthur through his childhood and early adulthood.
14.Since the WandaVision trailer shows Hahn jumping through time alongside Wanda and Vision, she may be serving a similarly omniscient role here, which teases some dark possibilities for the seemingly upbeat series.
15.One of those omniscient and awe–inspiring marvels, a detective, came up from St. Louis, moused around, shook his head, looked wise, and made that sort of astounding success which members of that craft usually achieve.
16.A third person narrator can be either limited, meaning they stick close to one character's thoughts and feelings, or they can be omniscient, able to flit between characters' minds and give the reader more information.
17.Had this been a case in the court of an omniscient judge, he might have entered on his notes the curious fact that Sue had placed the minor for the major indiscretion, and had not said a word about the kiss.