Drivers must be on the alert for traffic signals.
The patrol police on duty are on the alert against any possible disturbances.
And now the snakes are on the alert.
" Everybody is on the alert because of what happened with AstraZeneca, "
" 由于阿斯利康事件,现在所有人都持。"
On Christmas Eve, the children were on the alert for any sign of Santa Claus.
A single bull would need to be on the alert to every form of danger.
“My Lord, I was constantly on the alert, ” came Lucius Malfoy's voice swiftly from beneath the hood.
It turns out that our brains are exquisitely designed to keep us safe and on the alert for danger.
His ears, his nostrils were on the alert.
他的耳朵, 他的鼻孔都处于戒状态。
Instantly the askaris and the whites were on the alert.
Be on the alert for anyone acting suspiciously.
But with the council back on the alert, it is not a good time for Stefan to fly off the handle.
The dog too was on the alert in an instant, and ran whining to the door.
But Henriette, on the alert, had at once perceived the look with which he had first enveloped Denise.
He had been on the alert all the while, trying to catch what the governor and Sipiagin were saying.
他一直持, 想听懂州长和西皮亚金在说什么。
But with elephants the opposite is true; a single elephant is always on the alert, but a herd is usually more careless.
It was impossible to tell what he would do or say next, and you were kept perpetually on the alert.
不可能知道他接下会做什么或说什么, 你永远持。
My companion was paralysed by the sudden horror of it, but I, as may well be imagined, had every sense on the alert.
我的同伴被这突如其的恐怖吓得瘫痪了, 但我,正如可以想象的那样, 完清醒了。
For many minutes Duncan succeeded in keeping his senses on the alert, and alive to every moaning sound that arose from the forest.
The cynicism prevailing among the convicts and their overseers was such that every woman, especially the young women, had to be on the alert.
罪犯和他们的监工中普遍存在的愤世嫉俗使得每个女人, 尤其是年轻女性, 都必须持。
As his eyes followed the print the rest of his senses were on the alert to the various commotions that went on around him.
当他的眼睛追随着印记时, 他其余的感官都对周围发生的各种骚动持。
I was in slavery nine years, and always watchful and on the alert, before I met with the good fortune of obtaining a sheet of paper.
我当了九年的奴隶, 时刻持和,直到我有幸得到一张纸。