He fathered ten children, devoted nearly eight years to writing an exhaustive opus on barnacles
In his magnus opus Being and Time, Heidegger carries out his fundamental ontology by introducing the notion of 'Dasein', or 'being-there'; the distinctive mode of Being particular to humans, the beings for whom being matters.
Number Theory Gauss's love affair with number theory commenced with his magnum opus, " Disquisitiones Arithmeticae" , published in 1801. In this seminal work, he established a systematic foundation for number theory and introduced important concepts such as congruence of numbers.
数论 高斯对数论的热爱始他 1801 年出版的巨著《算术研究》。在这部开创性的著作中,他为数论奠定了系统的基础,并引入了数同余等重要概念。