Liquid that is insulative, good diffluent, and strong in heat transfer through phase change.
We call that a phase change, or a change of state.
So that's how heat affects phase changes.
所以这就是热影响 相。
So that’s how heat affects phase changes. But what about how heat spreads?
The value also depends on the phase change.
它价值取决于材料。 该值也随相位而。
Like the snowball melting and vaporizing, each of these moments in the history of the Universe was like a phase change.
As the phases change, inexorably, day after day, the angle of sunlight hitting the surface changes, bringing new things into our view.
We also talked about phase changes, including the critical point, the triple point, and how that all applies on Mars.
我们还谈到了形状,临界点 三相点,以及这如何适用于火星。
The power needed to effect the phase change could be fed to individual pixels by electrodes made of indium tin oxide, which is also transparent.
So are we at another possible phase change here, where we kind of sleepwalk into a future that none of us actually wants?
那么, 我们是否处于另一个可能阶段中,我们梦游到一个我们实际上都不想要未来?
Instead, the amount of heat that gets transferred during a phase change is equal to the mass times what’s known as the latent heat.
Today, you learned about thermal energy, as well as heat, and how much of it you need for both temperature changes and phase changes.
Instead, the amount of heat that gets transferred during a phase change is equal to the mass times what's known as the latent heat.
相反,它是相期间传递热量 质量等于所谓潜热。
You will undoubtedly have noticed how carefully Jordan observes the changing phases of the Magdalena River and how sympathetically he listens to the people whom he meets.