When the illuminance rose, the photic decomposition rates of the natural anthocyan pigments rose as well, but there was no linear relation between photic decomposition rate and illuminance.
The so-called photic sneeze reflex, AKA the Autosomal Cholinergic Helio-Ophthalmic Outburst, abbreviated" ACHOO" … yes, seriously… is experienced by about 1 in 4 people, leading scientists to believe it is genetically heritable.
所谓的“强光喷嚏反射”,又称常染色体胆碱能性赫里奥眼突出症,简称“Achoo”… 是的,讲真… 大约有四分之一的人经历过,这使得科学家相认为它是会遗传的。