A large portico provides a suitably impressive entrance to the chapel.
The elder Coretti attempted to enter the portico, but he was stopped.
Aouda and he had remained, despite the cold, under the portico of the Custom House.
They arrived finally at the portico of the cloister.
The name " Stoic" comes from the Greek word for portico (stoo).
“Stoic” 这个名字来自希腊语中的门廊(stoo)。
The centre Early English, with a huge portico copied from the Parthenon.
After a time, he went away and stood in an adjoining portico and watched.
Spencer got out and marched stolidly across the fiagstones to the portico of the house.
斯宾塞下了车, 不动声色地穿过石板路来到房子的门廊。
Their conversation detained them on the lawn and in the portico till the stars blinked out.
他的谈话把他草坪上和门廊里, 直到星星眨了眨眼。
And if we look for a stoa [a covered portico], we find it in Ljubljana's market.
如果我要找一个 stoa [一个有盖的门廊],我会卢布尔雅那的市场找到它。
Henriette presently put an end to the monologue by appearing in the portico.
亨丽埃出现门廊里, 结束了这场独白。
She glanced mechanically at the house opposite, a stucco house with a portico, and went to the child's bed.
她机械地瞥了一眼对面的房子, 一座带门廊的灰泥房子, 然后走到孩子的床边。
Or they might catch him as he comes out of the portico of the Capitol after addressing a joint meeting of Congress.
(The porticoes of the gateways around the inner court were twenty-five cubits wide and five cubits deep.)
Its portico faced the outer court; palm trees decorated its jambs, and eight steps led up to it.
A room with a doorway was by the portico in each of the inner gateways, where the burnt offerings were washed.
门洞的柱旁有屋子和门,祭司(原文作" 他" )那里洗燔祭牲。
She was more touched than by all her presents; then taking me to the portico, she poured comfort into my heart.
Under the portico, with its grey, sun-bleached pillars, loitered a troop of draggled bareheaded girls, waiting for the auction to be over.
I sprang up the steps of the portico and reached the salon without being seen by either the count or his wife.
我跳上门廊的台阶, 没有被伯爵和他的妻子看见就到了沙龙。
Its portico faced the outer court; palm trees decorated the jambs on either side, and eight steps led up to it.
I should judge it was of all sorts of ages and styles, starting on a half-timbered Elizabethan foundation and ending in a Victorian portico.
我应该判断它有各种时代和风格, 伊丽莎白时代的半木结构地基开始, 到维多利亚时代的门廊结束。