She’s too prim to enjoy rude jokes!
It was a strange conjunction—the prim serious young Queen and the elderly,cynical Whig.
Those young ladies are much too prim and proper to enjoy such a rude joke.
Two prim, rapt, elderly faces staring upwards.
Gas and ventilation, drainage and water-service, all of the primest quality.
燃气和通风、排水和供水服务, 质量上乘。
Then prim priests were sent there to be their teachers.
Looking prim and proper was par for the course for the All-American girl ball player.
- 看起来端庄得体是全美女子球运动员的标准。
It was a prim, virginal little room and it lay still and warm in the slanting rays of the four-o'clock sun.
She's awfully prim and proper and she'll scold dreadfully about this, I know.
Hawat's sapho-stained lips were pulled into a prim, straight line with tiny wrinkles radiating into them.
哈瓦特染着紫红色的嘴唇被拉成一本正的线, 细小的皱纹向内放射。
I've played the part of a prim young lady on the stage, and I'll try it off.
Was Italy deflecting her from the path of prim chaperon, which he had assigned to her at Tunbridge Wells?
Did any of the stuffed shirts notice that you're not wearing any underwear under that prim little dress?
I'll be as prim as I can and not get into any scrapes, if I can help it.
We both bowed, and then we laughed, for the prim introduction and the blunt addition were rather a comical contrast.
我都鞠一躬, 然后大笑起来, 因为朴素的介绍和当的补充形成一种相当滑稽的对比。
The still feebly flickering ashes in the grate, and the row of prim ornaments on the mantelpiece, were surely harmless enough.
壁炉里还在微微闪烁的灰烬, 壁炉台上一排朴素的装饰品, 肯定是无害的。
Then she saw the Lion, screamed and fled, and with her fled her class, who were mostly dumpy, prim little girls with fat legs.
" That's not the way, " Pyat Pree said firmly, his blue lips prim with disapproval. " The Undying Ones will not wait forever" .
" 那条路不对," 俳雅·菩厉坚定地说,蓝嘴唇呈现严肃的否定。" 注意,不朽者不会永远等待。"
Prim little Winkle too is here, With every hair in place, A model of propriety, Though he hates to wash his face.
一本正的小温克尔也在这里, 每根头发都整齐,是礼仪的典范, 虽然讨厌洗脸。
But Aunt March had not this gift, and she worried Amy very much with her rules and orders, her prim ways, and long, prosy talks.
Kitty and Waddington waited till the grave was filled and then placed on the mound, smelling of fresh earth, the nuns' prim dahlias.
凯蒂和沃丁顿等到坟墓被填满, 然后被放在土墩上,散发着新鲜泥土的气味, 是修女的原始大丽花。
A little kind of prim pose where she gets her hands, she crosses her fingers that she holds in front of herself, like a very good girl.
Miss Josephine Barry, thin, prim, and rigid, was knitting fiercely by the fire, her wrath quite unappeased and her eyes snapping through her gold-rimmed glasses.