A proctor will collect (or gather ) the examination papers at the end of the hour.
之后收(或 gather )
Huffman's role in the cheating scandal-which involves 50 other parents, coaches, exam proctors and admissions counselors, including Full House actress Lori Loughlin-left her family reeling with hurt, shame and fear about their future.
" Those who dwell here are penitents, who seek to atone for their sins through contemplation, prayer, and silence. Only the Elder Brother and his proctors are permitted to speak, and the proctors only for one day of every seven" .
" 因为居住在此的都是忏悔者,他们寻求在沉思、祈祷与静默当中偿还罪过。岛上只有长老和监理们能说话,并且那些监理也只有七天中的一天可以。"