'I should like to lose something I valued in order to propitiate the fates.
‘愿失去珍视东西, 以挽回命运。
Especially I felt this when I made any attempt to propitiate him. No ruth met my ruth.
Panchu must undergo a purification ceremony to cleanse himself of sin and to propitiate his community.
So, that’s what she did, she made some sacrifices like those old school Aztecs who propitiated the Gods with human blood.
所以, 这就是她所做, 她做出了一些牺牲, 就像那些用人血祭祀众神老派阿兹特克人一样。
I myself think that the need to worship is no more than the survival of an old remembrance of cruel gods that had to be propitiated.
自己认为, 崇拜需过是残忍神灵古老记忆遗存。 得被安抚。
' There had been something so tremendous in the shrinking off of the three, that the wretched man was willing to propitiate even this lad.