She jokingly calls herself the COVID quip.
她戏称自己是" 新冠病毒的笑柄" 。
" In gold or cheese" ? quipped Tyrion.
" 付的是金子还是奶酪?" 提利昂打趣道。
One Eurocrat quips that “the whole parliament is the opposition”.
Then Dorothy Parker would make a quip, James Thurber would laugh, and then I would end up leaving, crying.
His quips about Oppenheimer's three-hour runtime and Barbie being about a plastic doll were excruciating.
The remark was doubtless intended as a quip, but it came across as an icy challenge.
They stepped out into the crisp autumn air. " I feared we'd never escape, " Tyrion quipped.
夫妇俩结伴步入清冷的秋日。" 还以为我们永远逃不掉了呢。" 提利昂一语双关地表示。
" Hello Moon! " he quipped. " How's the old backside? "
She quipped that she needs a lot of time to think, which is why her decisions are always late.
12.01: Realise quip was in terrible taste and hurriedly delete it.
I was laughing at this quip Leno made last night. I wasn't laughing at your dress, I love you.
“Private equity is an industry with extraordinary barriers to exit, ” quips Andrew Sealey of Campbell Lutyens, an advisory firm.
咨询公司Campbell Lutyens的Andrew Sealey嘲弄说:“私募股权是一个为逃避而设置的额外障碍。”
I'm cooking. I'm throwing out delightful quips to my guests.
我在烹饪 在客人面前妙语连珠。
" You can't automate thinking, " quips one manufacturing veteran.
“But the highest form of intelligence, ” I quipped, quoting Oscar Wilde.
“但这是最高形式的智慧, ” 我引用奥卡·王尔德的话打趣道。
And it's also like a very Boston kind of quip.
But in 1909, one of those quips may have had chilling consequences.
但在 1909 年,其一个讽刺可能产生了令人不寒而栗的后果。
A naked knight, it would seem, quipped Littlefinger.
" 像个没穿衣服的骑士,您说是吧?" 小指头插话。
If you receive a snarky comment, we quip back with an aggressive response.
And I quipped well that can’t be intelligences because I don’t have any of them.