I'll give you four pennies for your A-B-C book, said a ragpicker who stood by.
She,Chris,is a ragpicker,and there were 15,20 million ragpickers like her, until China stopped taking everyone's waste.
AF:她,Chris, 是个荒者, 像她这样荒者有 1520 ,中国停止收走所有人垃圾。
So there's huge value potentially locked up in there that the world's ragpickers would, if they could, make a living from.
CA:此, 其中蕴藏着巨大潜在价值, 如果可能话, 世界荒者将以此为生。
Bangladesh may be able to copy India which, despite its 1.3bn people, falls outside the top ten thanks to armies of ragpickers.
" You look like the ragpicker's child, " he observed, his eyes taking in the mended lavender calico, streaked with perspiration and splotched here and there with water which had slopped from the basin.
" 你像个捡破烂女孩子呢," 他这样说,两只眼睛打量着她身那件补缀过浅紫色印花布衣裳,面满是汗渍和污斑,后者显然是护理伤员时沾,思嘉觉得又尴尬又奥恼,简气坏了。