The electrophysiologic substrate for RBD on polysomnography is rapid eye movement sleep without atonia.
Background: Rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder (RBD) is a parasomnia that is manifested by dream enactment behavior.
【正文快照】 背景:快眼睡障碍(RBD)是一种表现梦境深状态。
The other sleep is called non rapid eye movement.
This period of rapid eye movement lasts for some 8 to 15 minutes and is called REM .
Sleep is composed of four stages, the deepest of which are known as slow-wave sleep and rapid eye movement.
A deeper stage of sleep, called rapid eye movement sleep, or REM, makes up 25 percent of a human's sleep.
REM stands for rapid eye movement and describes the side-to-side motion of your eyes during this period of high brain activity.
REM 就是快速眼动的英文缩写,说的是在个大脑高度活跃的时期眼球会左右转动。
Then REM sleep emerges, rapid eye movement sleep.
然后REM眠出现, 快速眼动眠。
After that, you start the REM or " rapid eye movement" sleep stage.
之后,您开始 REM 或“快速眼动”眠阶段。
Well, we know that dream sleep which principally comes from a stage that we call rapid eye movement sleep or REM sleep.
No rapid eye movements, like Carter.
The fourth and final stage of sleep is REM which stands for rapid eye movement.
眠的第四个也是最后一个阶段是 REM, 代表快速眼球运动。
Rapid eye movement sleep is when your eyes move quickly from one side to the other.
This is rapid eye movement kind of dreaming that we only thought mammals and birds did.
Shallow sleep, known as REM sleep or rapid eye movement, and non-REM or deep sleep.
Today it’s tentatively thought that rapid eye movement sleep regulates and stabilises negative emotions and memories.
And no stage of sleep demonstrates that better than rapid eye movement, or REM, commonly called dream sleep.
Watching what you eat or drink can also improve the amount of REM, or rapid eye movement you experience.
观察您吃的或喝的东西也可以改善 REM 的数量,或您体验到的快速眼球运动。
Nightmares, Martin said, occur during rapid eye movement sleep, the phase during which our muscles relax and we dream.
马丁说,噩发生在快速眼动眠期间, 是我们肌肉放松并做的阶段。
During the night when you were in sleep mode you will have experienced something called REM, or rapid eye movement.
在您处于眠模式的夜晚, 您会经历一种称为 REM(快速眼动) 的现象。
In humans, REM, or rapid eye movement, is an active phase of sleep when parts of the brain light up with activity and is closely linked with dreaming.
The study found that the participants experienced seasonal variations in their rapid eye movement sleep, also known as REM sleep, as well as in their slow wave sleep, also known as deep sleep.
研究发现,参与者在快速眼动眠(也称为 REM 眠)和慢波眠(也称为深度眠)中经历了季节性变化。