He is in essence a reclusive sort.
Mr. Salinger, 59, is to some degree an unlikely representative for a reclusive literary icon.
It's a really shy, reclusive eel that we know almost nothing about.
它非常害羞,我们对这种 隐居鳗鱼几乎一无所知。
Scion of the great banking family, Rothschild was a strange and reclusive fellow.
Hideaki Kumazawa apparently told police that his 44-year-old reclusive son could be violent.
Craig Steven Wright, an Australian computer scientist, claimed that he was Satoshi Nakamoto, the reclusive creator of bitcoin.
澳大利亚计算机科学家克雷格? 史蒂? 赖特(Craig Steven Wright)声称他就一直隐匿的比特币之父“中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)”。
Peck received perhaps his sweetest laurel when the reclusive Lee said Gregory Peck was a beautiful man.
Maybe he was feeling " reclusive" or he just liked using his long legs to go wandering somewhere else.
Including mountain lions, which have been in California for 30,000 years, the most famous is P22, a reclusive celebrity.
The smallest (weighing just 19 grams) was the reclusive Stella wood mouse.
最小的(仅重 19 克)隐居的斯特拉木鼠。
Chastain’s character is reclusive, obsessive and aloof, and, some say, lacking in depth.
查斯坦的性格隐居的、执着的和冷漠的, ,有人说,缺乏深度。
There's the fake business article about Lorenzo, the reclusive billionaire.
介绍Lorenzo的商业撰 身价亿万的隐士。
How is the reclusive Countess, Margo?
这位隐居的伯爵夫人如何 马戈?
A few days ago, Neville Morgan, the notoriously reclusive painter, paid a visit to the gallery.
几天前,声名狼藉的隐居画家 纳维耶摩根,来画廊参观。
Their invented mathematician claimed to be a reclusive Russian genius who would only meet with his selected collaborators.
Wild, hurt animals are known to nurse their wounds, make noises to show their distress, and become reclusive.
众所周知, 受伤的野生动物会护理自己的伤口,发出声音来表达他们的痛苦,并变得与世隔绝。
He described how Salinger's desire for privacy fueled the world's curiosity, turning the reclusive author into a near-mythical figure.
We see that, like in the game, he is a reclusive and cautious character, one that, on some level, maybe even welcomed the apocalypse.
An arrest warrant has now been issued for the reclusive cleric who's based in US for allegally establishing and running an armed terrorist organisation.
Originally, Joel and Ellie encounter Bill here, a reclusive survivalist who once loved and lost, and now believes it's better to not love at all.