He opened his mouth to make a caustic retort.
She retorted upon him, saying he was to blame.
驳他, 说他不好。
"I tell you that it has not," retorted the pedler.
He scored a bull’s-eye in their argument with that witty retort.
He retorted the invective on her.
"I'll do better than that." I retorted. "I'll eat nothing for dinner tonight."
It making the bean curd crouton in a form of retort pouch, the storage time could expand and the product be easy for eating.
" Not on yer life, " was the angry retort.
" 不行,拿的担保也不行。" 他愤怒地反驳。
" No, but you tried to, " she retorted.
'What d'you mean, " living through us" ? ' Harry retorted.
" your question is not worth answering, " he retorted.
" And Harry said it last night, " retorted Ron.
Opponents retort that all human lives are equally valuable.
Everybody was in the early'50s, Plummer retorts.
“每个人都曾经历过50年代早期,” 普卢默反驳道。
A bunged-up system needed a jolt, they retorted.
" Barbecue, Flint—what house" ? came the cutting retort.
" 巴比克,弗林——什么出身?" 传了尖刻的回答。
" Are you happy I'm back? " he retorted.
" To whom do they belong? " the businessman retorted, peevishly.
I retorted. My head spun around in answerless circles.
“I'm still not saying I believe you, ” Harry retorted.
The latter retorted, " It wasn't I;" but he laughed.
“不是我。” 勿兰谛笑着假装不知。
" The marriage is no misfortune in itself, " she retorted with some little petulance.
“He's not as gone as you might think! ” Harry retorted.
47 " You mean he has deceived you also? " the Pharisees retorted.
47 法利赛人说、们也受了迷惑么。
His eyes narrowed. " You're welcome, " he retorted.
他眯起了眼睛。" 不用客气," 他回了我一句。
Ove glances at her as if considering a firm retort, but instead he just looks down at the ground.
To this Verne retorted, Bah, no one in Paris can make one!