But sings “the pair of truncation roentgen” “the Zhou Jie stick” is called by the piece in just messenger “the lisper to be strange”.
But, the body is lethally contaminated if it receives over 400 roentgens.
但是一旦吸收超过400伦琴 人体就会遭到致命污染。
Now we know it was between 10,000 and 12,000 roentgens per hour.
6 roentgen, but that's as high as the meter...
6伦琴 但那是仪表上限。
It's thought that a human being can absorb up to 2 roentgens per year without being affected.
I think there was at least 1000 roentgens at a height of 200 meters.
The radiation level above the reactor is over 3,500 roentgens, almost 9 times the lethal dose.
炉上方的辐射值超过3500伦琴 几乎是致命量的9倍。
In those days, radioactivity is measured in units called roentgens. Normal atmospheric level is about 12 millionths of a roentgen.
当时放射性的测量单位称为伦琴 正常大气中的放射量是0000012伦琴。
Inside the tunnel, which has no ventilation, the temperature hits 50oC, and radiaoactivity is at a minimum of 1 roentgen per hour.
地道内部空气不流通温度高达摄氏50度 放射量最少一小时一伦琴。
The official position is that each miner received 30 to 60 roentgens, but survivors claim they received up to 5 times that amount.
官方宣称名矿工吸收了30到60伦琴 但是幸存者表示他们的吸收量是此值的5倍。
It's only two meters across, but it weighs as much as 100 tons and it was so dangerous at the time that it would expose you to ten thousand roentgens (R) per hour.
它只有两米宽,但重达 100 吨,而且在当时非常危险,它的辐射强度相当于你暴露在小时一万伦琴的辐射中。
Some of the pilots make up to 33 flights in a single day. Each time they went, they received 5 or 6 roentgens. If they were slow, it was even more.
有些驾驶员一天飞行多达33趟 他们去一趟就吸收5到6伦琴 如果动作慢一点就吸收更多。