4.By way of improving the superfinishing process,the appearance quality and surface roughness of steel balls,together with the productivity,were increased.
5.(2) all of biological characters, such as cormel's fresh weight, size, height, root length, roughness and root quantities, presented 1% significant difference.
6.Some common troubles such as poor throwing power,burnt deposit on rim,dull gray coating,piebaldism,blue film,hazy deposit,spongy surface and roughness in decorative chromium plating were summarized.
7.The coatings composed by the chosen refractory is crackfree in high temperature.The castings using the coatings is free of surface defect and the surface roughness can reach 18 - S.
20.But some preliminary vibrations could soon be felt over the boat's hull. I heard its plating grind against the limestone roughness of that coral base.