The subject of today's " Great Big Story" is a savant, defined as someone who has incredible skill or brilliance.
Oh, you must be some savant or something like that, and that's the case.
I don't know what to tell you. He's a savant.
我不知该怎么说 有天赋。
However, now considered a savant, Clemmons can sculpt animals he's never even seen accurately to the tiniest detail.
Several savants of the French Institute, and amongst them MM.
法国院几位者, 其中就有MM。
Oh, he is a savant when it comes to things like this.
放心吧 这方行家。
According to a law attributed to the savant known only as Murphy, if anything can go wrong, it will.
Born in 1951 in Salt Lake City, Utah, Kim Peek was a savant who became the inspiration for the 1988 film, Rainman.
1951 年出生于犹州盐湖城,一位者, 成为 1988 年电影《 雨》 灵感来源。
He's an idiot savant minus the savant.
In a life crowded with labors, he found time to read widely in natural science and to win single-handed recognition at the hands of European savants for his discoveries in electricity.
在繁忙工作中,抽出时间广泛阅读自然科, 并因其在电方发现而一手赢得了欧洲者认可。