Singular neurectomy (posterior ampullary nere transsection) and posterior semicircular canal occlusion are the 2 specific techniques used in intractable BPP surgery.
Conclusion: The therapy effect of PRM was superior to postural striction, and all patients should be treated by PRM when the diagnosis of posterior semicircular canal BPPV was uncle.
" It's a true word as I say, sir, " rejoined Mr. Rann, compressing his mouth into a semicircular form and pausing long enough to indicate three notes of exclamation.
The vicarage was set back from the highroad to Tercanbury, and from the dining-room one saw a semicircular strip of lawn and then as far as the horizon green fields.
Le Chiffre crouched over the shoe. He gave it a short deliberate slap to settle the cards, the first of which showed its semicircular pale pink tongue through the slanting aluminium mouth of the shoe.
Le Chiffre 蹲在鞋子旁边。他刻意地轻轻拍了拍它以结束牌局,第一张牌从鞋倾斜铝口中露出形淡粉色舌头。
The sky had a new and startling beauty that night. A broad, fluctuating, semicircular arch of vivid white light spanned the northern quarter of the heavens, reaching from the horizon to the star Eta in the Greater Bear.