The place where optimism most flourishes is the lunatic asylum ---Henry Havelock Ellis,British sexologist, physician, and social reformer.
乐观主义最为活跃是 疯人院 ---亨利.维洛克.艾利斯,英学家,医生和社会改革家。
In the late 1950's and 60's, American gynecologists Williams Masters, and his collaborator and future wife, sexologist Virginia Johnson, did something no researchers had ever done before.
在1950年代末和60年代, 美国妇科医生威廉姆斯· 马斯特斯( Williams Masters) 和他合作者和妻子,性学家弗吉尼亚· 约翰逊( Virginia Johnson) 做了一件研究人员从做过事情。