Whether shakedown or rough justice, the Ritz episode eliminated his chief political rivals and cemented his power.
“Fights were a daily occurrence; as were shakedowns in bathrooms, ” wrote the Silicon Valley journalist Michael S. Malone.
Suddenly the inmates hear the thudding of footsteps – it’s a shakedown.
间, 囚犯们听到了砰砰的脚步声——这是一种安定。
You say legal dispute, I say shakedown.
法律纠纷吗 我看是勒索。
There you have it, a shakedown from start to finish.
你真厉害 从头使唤我到尾。
If there is a shakedown, well, blind eyes are not usually turned in those circumstances.
如果有重组, 好吧,在那种情况下通常不会睁开眼睛。
If this is some kind of shakedown, let me stop you right now.
如果你要勒索我 劝你别白费心机了。
The laws have sometimes had the feel of a shakedown of the wealthy foreign tech firms by governments.
That's a kind of " shakedown." Here, the shakedown involves not hurting the business as long as the business gives the criminals some money.
” 那是一种“整顿” 。在这里,整顿涉及不伤害企业, 只要企业给犯罪分子一些钱。