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经济 Crash Course

1.Guatemalans who immigrated to the US in the 1990s, were able to increase their incomes sixfold.


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双语版 TED-Ed

2.Fourfold patterns fit in a square grid, and sixfold patterns in a hexagonal grid.

四重图案很适合方形网格, 六重图案和六边形网格很配。

「双语版 TED-Ed 选」评价该例句:好评差评指正

3.The number of “energy co-operatives” has risen sixfold since 2007, to 586 last year.

去年 “能源合作项目”数目为586个,是2007年的六倍。


4.Gregory Barker, an energy minister, says the solar industry could expand sixfold within a decade.

能源部长格雷戈? 巴克尔说,在未来的十年内太阳能行业将扩展六倍。

科学60秒-科学美国人 2019年3月合集

5.The study estimates that humans have decreased the biomass of wild mammals sixfold and plants twofold through actions such as hunting and deforestation.


「科学60秒-科学美国人 2019年3月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正

6.By 2100, global coal use has increased sixfold above 2010 levels, and global emissions have tripled.

到 2100 年,全球煤炭使用比 2010 年增加了六倍,全球排放增加了两倍。机翻

TED(视频版) 2020年6月合集

7.You know, when you let the park stop fishing, the overflow from the fishing will actually increase the biomass sixfold.

要知道, 当你让公园停止捕鱼时,捕鱼产生的溢流实际上会使生增加六倍。机翻

「TED(视频版) 2020年6月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正
TED(视频版) 2023年9月合集

8.Here, we see it for the US, for corn, where yields have grown sixfold, from two tonnes to 12 tonnes.

在这,我们看到了美国玉米的情况,其产增长了六倍,从 2 吨增至 12 吨。机翻

「TED(视频版) 2023年9月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正
经济学人 Business

9.Its megastorage facility at Jubail Industrial City is expected to be operational by 2027. Adnok, Aramco's Emirati counterpart, wants to increase its capacity sixfold by 2030 to 5 million tonnes a year.

其位于朱拜勒工业城的大型存储设施预计将于 2027 年投入运营。沙特阿美的阿联酋同行 Adnok 希望到 2030 年将其产能提高六倍, 达到每年 500 万吨。机翻

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first floor, first gear, first half, first harmonic, first in first out, First Lady, first law of thermodynamics, first lieutenant, first light, first mate,


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