Over the pond the west wind blew, and into the teeth of the west wind sailed the sloops and schooners, their rails well down, their wet decks gleaming.
Second, second sentence, although initially entering into medicine Darwin pursue his interest in national science and embarked on a five-year journey aboard HMS Beagle—a British sloop belonging to the Royal Navy.
二句话,虽然最初学习的是医学,但是达尔文追求他对国家科学的兴趣,并登了 HMS 贝格尔号——属于皇家海军的单桅帆船——开始了为期五年的旅程。
" Well, " he said at length, pointing the prow of the Wasp out toward the center of the pond, " I'll tell you what I'll do with you. You see that big racing sloop out there? "