I lay awake through the wee small hours,waiting for the signal.
The disco party went through the roof until the small hours of the morning.
GOOD neighbours avoid doing laundry in the small hours.
With this view he read far into the small hours during many nights.
London teemed with life into the small hours.
He's happy to stay up watching telly till the wee small hours, while I turn in early and try to sleep.
The party continued into the wee small hours.
Calling him in my sleepless small hours had become something of a habit.
The rest of you can talk into the small hours.
He finally fell exhausted into bed in the small hours.
In the small hours of the Saturday morning a tragedy took place at Milchester Abbey.
星期六凌晨, 米尔切斯特修道院发生了场悲剧。
" They grow smaller, hour by hour and day by day, and finally disappear entirely" .
I remember the two of us lying in bed that night, eating toast and talking until the small hours of the morning.
The housemaid had tried to call the police in the small hours of the morning.
And some time in the small hours I finally fell asleep.
But there he was again, in the small hours, as vivid as if he were standing before me.
但在凌晨分, 他又出现了,活灵活现,就好像他就站在我面前样。
One day in the small hours, while he sat on a slope, he determined never to be a sluggish slugard.
What kind of person turfs a sixteen-year-old out of their flat in the small hours without checking where she's actually going?
什么样的人会在凌晨分把个 16 岁的孩子赶出他们的公寓,而不检查她到底要去哪里?
I knew the way pretty well, for I'd done it often with the same lively cousin — and in the small hours, too.
我非常熟悉这条路, 因为我经常和同个活泼的堂兄起这样做——而且是在凌晨。
We experience this kind of depth in what you might call the “small hours of belief”, when old certainties have gone and our own fragility comes close.
The " small hours of the morning" means the same thing – that time after midnight until perhaps 3: 00 in the morning.
“凌晨”的意思是样的——午夜之后到凌晨 3: 00 之间的间。
Often in the small hours I conjured Will's voice telling me not to be ridiculous and melancholy but to think instead of all the things I'd achieved.