But does such stripy subterfuge really work that way?
You can't achieve his rank via subterfuge alone.
All her attention on him was a subterfuge to learn more about the museum's security system.
Subterfuge. She hacks human beings as easily as she hacks computers.
用诡计 她黑进人脑就跟黑进电脑一样单。
Matrimony, the film of 2005 winkingly suggested, is an exercise in subterfuge.
And even many unqualified investors succeed in moving money in and out (although not without delay, subterfuge and inconvenience).
Let me escape from the yoke of such silly subterfuges!
He scarcely comprehended the subterfuge, and was absolutely blind as to its reason.
他几乎不理解个诡计, 也完全不明白其中原因。
U.S. officials argue the Russian system would be incompatible with NATO systems and would expose F-35 fighter jets to possible Russian subterfuge.
'I am not interested in subterfuges, ' said Doctor Copeland.
“我对诡计不感兴趣, ” 科普兰医生说。
'Without reserve or subterfuge? Without future appeal to the divine mercy'?
What if all this subterfuge over my mother's identity was actually disguising the real question?
" It was a subterfuge of necessity." And Jessica thought: This is a brave woman, myPaul's.
From Ethiopia, coffee beans spread to the rest of the world via Arabia and Europe, often through, er, subterfuge.
As their top spy, your skills range from infiltration and subterfuge, to safecracking and reading faces for signs of deception.
And though some gourmets may revile hot dogs, they are a triumph of culinary subterfuge, as are many other sausages.
But Morgan had a better idea using subterfuge to defeat his enemy, he sacrificed one of his vessels and turned it into a fire ship.
And suddenly, in the space of two minutes she achieved her victory and justified herself to herself without lie or subterfuge, cut the cord forever.
突然间,在两分钟时间里, 她取得了胜利, 并为自己辩护, 没有谎言或诡计, 永远切断了电源线。
I admit that our meeting as strangers prevented a sense of relationship, and that it was a sort of subterfuge to avail myself of it.
我承认我们作为陌生人相遇阻碍了一种关系感, 而且是一种利用它诡计。
Their declining popularity—not just at your correspondent's table but among French diners as a whole—testifies to the importance of an often overlooked culinary skill: subterfuge.