A video on its website explains its purpose pretty succinctly.
Robert Louis Stevenson put it more succinctly: " The great affair is to move."
" Seamus reckons Harry's lying about You-Know-Who, " said Ron succinctly, when Harry did not respond.
" You died, Norman, " Doctor Octavius said succinctly. " Years ago."
ALICE WINKLER: Put succinctly by Qui-Gon Jinn, " Your focus determines your reality."
" He screwed up a spell trying to get you into college, " the sorcerer explained succinctly.
They think this is an accurate summary of the quote, plus they got to use the word succinctly in a sentence.
Boy, I'm trying to put this succinctly and shortly.
Nathan Gelino, a research engineer at NASA put it more succinctly.
NASA 的研究工程师 Nathan Gelino 说得更简洁。
" A hundred pounds, " Mr. Barrow remarked succinctly.
One is speak succinctly and simply avoid convoluted jargon.
Or even more succinctly, i plus plus.
Later, it edits its own work and succinctly answers questions about the material.
Detective-inspector Japp was the first witness called when the trial was reopened, and gave his evidence succinctly and briefly.
侦探督察贾普是审判重新开始时第被传唤的证人, 他简明扼要地提供了他的证词。
When I thought about it, I realized this succinctly described the entire point of summer break.
当我思考时, 我意识到这简洁地描述了暑假的全部意义。
Clearly and succinctly and repeating your message and having it as a strong opening and a strong closing.
Their chief scientist put it succinctly for those of us who are not astronomers: “there is liquid water today on the surface of Mars”.
" Girl talk, " says Parvaneh succinctly when at last she comes back to the parking area and gets into the driver's seat.
" A good man, " stated the pastor succinctly and pointed at one of the photos of Sonja and her father on the living room wall.
" She succinctly acknowledges the imperfections of looking back in history without letting herself be swayed toward ignoring the past and its persisting effects."
" 她简明扼要地承认了回顾历史的不完美之处,同时也没有让自己动摇,忽视过去及其持续的影响。”