But, snuggling into its cosy hidey-hole, the tawny owl hasn't twigged that its cover has been blown by the fall of autumn leaves.
Usually, this breed has a tawny coat.
A tawny eagle shows up to share in the bounty. But an even bigger customer is about to appear.
While he watched the far-removed landscape a tawny stain grew into being on the lower verge—the eclipse had begun.
Three, plus the tawny port with dessert. It's all here on the bill if you wanna take a look.
It was a tawny animal and brindled.
The tawny mangled brows worked up and down.
I saw that he was of a tawny yellow.
I caught the momentary gleam of her tawny eyes as she raised them.
当她抬起眼睛时, 我捕捉到她茶眼睛里瞬间闪过的光芒。
All its young torture was forgotten, and its wanderings in the tawny marsh.
它所有年轻的折磨都被遗忘了, 它在黄沼泽中的徘徊。
Her tawny eyebrows were crimped in a puzzled frown which could have been genuine.
她茶的毛皱成一团, 疑惑地皱, 这可能是真的。
The fields of sugar cane are gold-green, Chinese scarves waving across the tawny sand.
甘蔗田是金绿的, 中国围巾在黄的沙滩上飘扬。
A large tawny owl soared down to Neville Longbottom and deposited a parcel into his lap-Neville almost always forgot to pack something.
Because he couldn't tell green tea from black tea, the waiter who had tawny tartar taunted him.
The slates in many places rise abruptly through the tawny grass in sharp lichen-covered slabs like tombstones in deserted burying-grounds.
许多地方的石板在黄的草丛中突然升起, 形成尖锐的地衣覆盖的石板, 就像荒凉的墓地中的墓碑。
They passed so close to me that I might have tossed the pointed ash leaves on the beautiful tawny bodies.
他们离我太近了, 我可能会把尖尖的白蜡树叶扔到美丽的黄身体上。
The offspring of the brown color morphs, on the other hand, have an advantage in exposed forests, so brown tawny owls are flourishing today.
Since the 1980s, climate change has led to significantly less snowfall, but you'd still struggle to spot a tawny owl because nowadays, they're brown.
His coat is of a yellowish brown or tawny color, and about his neck is a great shaggy mane which gives his head a majestic appearance.
It fluttered down beside Harry at the same moment that a tawny owl landed in front of Hermione, clutching a copy of the Daily Prophet in its beak.
As she came close I saw that she had tawny skin and soft honey-colored hair, drawn back smoothly over her ears and knotted at her neck.
当她走近时, 我看到她有黄的皮肤和柔软的蜂蜜发, 顺滑地向后拉过耳朵, 在脖子上打结。