The whip cracked threateningly.
Goyle cracked his knuckles threateningly and Malfoy whispered something undoubtedly malevolent to Crabbe.
Crabbe and Goyle flexed their muscles threateningly.
And Goyle cracked his knuckles threateningly and Malfoy whispered something undoubtedly malevolent to Crabbe.
“One wrong move, Peter, ” said Lupin threateningly ahead.
" Nose out, Ron, or I'll burn that for you too, " said Fred, waving his wand threateningly.
" I shall be sick, you know, " Mr. Darling said threateningly.
" 你知,我会恶心的。" 达林先生说。
" Apologise to Evans! " James roared at Snape, his wand pointed threateningly at him.
She leaned into her camera so that her face loomed threateningly over the room.
" One wrong move, Peter, " said Lupin threateningly ahead. His wand was still pointed sideways at Pettigrew's chest.
Hagrid moved forwards, but his crossbow was still raised and his eyes were still fixed threateningly upon Magorian.
" And don't say that Grubbly-Plank woman's a better teacher! " he added threateningly.
When he sat gingerly on the edge of the chair the chains clinked threateningly, but did not bind him.
" What do you want" ? yelled Malbihn, raising his weapon threateningly.
“你想要什么” ?马尔比恩喊, 性举起武器。
His heavy jaw jutted out threateningly.
" I want to tell you again, Hump, " he said threateningly, " that you'd better leave things alone" .
" 我要再告诉你一句,骆驼," 他说," 你最好别乱动我的东西。"
And her smiling lip twitched a little threateningly, as she concluded the silent monologue.
。 当她结束无声的独白时, 她微笑的嘴唇有点抽动着。
" You come my car, " the Indian said threateningly.
" I'll give you tobacco, " said Aronsen threateningly.
Get away from the door, ' Madame Defarge said threateningly.
离门远点,” 德伐日夫人说。
But one day all would come to the ears of the Almighty, said Oline threateningly.