He could hear the thrum of a banjo.
They continued the conversation in the Ulpia, where Collis Clay came over to their table and sat down, and a gifted guitar player thrummed and rumbled " Suona Fanfara Mia" in the cellar piled with wine casks.
他们在 Ulpia 继续谈话,利斯·克莱 (Collis Clay) 走到他们餐桌旁坐下,一位才华横溢吉他手在堆满酒桶地窖里敲打着“Suona Fanfara Mia”。
After the lecture, I returned to my room, where I stared out my window at the stone gate with its medieval battlements. I thought of positive liberty, and of what it might mean to self-coerce, until my head thrummed with a dull ache.