" But, Professor, who's insulting you? " asked Parvati timidly.
" Mr. Dumbledore" said Hermione rather timidly. " Is that your sister? Ariana? "
邓 不利多先生," 赫敏小心翼翼地说," 那是你的妹妹吗?阿瑞娜?"
Louis walked up timidly, then reached down and untied Sam's shoelace.
" What was that? " she asked timidly.
'Harry, ' she said timidly, 'don't you see?
" 哈利," 她战战兢兢地说," 你不明白吗?
" And the others? " I asked timidly. " What are they? "
" Petunia, dear? " , said Uncle Vernon timidly, " P-Petunia? "
The poor fish hawk, with a loud cry, timidly flies away.
" My lord, " Pod said, a little timidly, " there's no litter" .
" 大人," 波德有点害羞地说," 队伍里没有轿子。"
" Mr. Wildeve, " said Christian timidly, as he turned to leave the room.
" Claire likes it, " the mother said it timidly, drawing them into another silence.
Passepartout went timidly ashore on this so curious territory of the Sons of the Sun.
" My c-a-p, " timidly said the " new fellow, " casting troubled looks round him.
" 我的… … 帽… … 帽子。" 新生心神不定,眼睛左右张望,胆小怕事地说。
" Captain, is all well" ? they asked timidly, but he answered with a hollow moan.
" 船长,没事吧?" 他们怯生生地问,胡克沉闷地叹了口气作为回答。
When I timidly asked her if I should maybe talk about it with our school nurse.
" You didn't bring your crossbow the day you showed us the Thestrals, " said Hermione timidly.
And even though Spain is timidly emerging from double-dip recession, scavenging and begging are on the rise.
I timidly waved back that day, I felt like you can do it, janis, just do it.
那天我也怯场地挥了挥手 我觉得你能行 珍妮丝 就做吧。
" And, George, " she said timidly, " you are as full of remorse as ever, aren't you" ?
" 乔治," 达林夫人小心翼翼地说," 你还是满心悔恨,是不是?"
Tabby asked—rather timidly for my normally outspoken wife—if I thought the book would find a paperback publisher.