The jade accouterments on her collide with each other, and give out a tinkling sound.
Through the grass came a soft silvery tinkling.
From the jingling and the tinkling of the bells.
The tinkling of the silver bell, or the sister' holy hymn.
Hermione gave a tinkling laugh and said, " There's a table over here...Coming. Ginny? "
赫敏银铃般地笑了一声,说道:“那边有张桌子… … 过去吗,金妮?”
A Silver Shilling that was just made a moment ago shouted for joy tinkling and jingling herself.
I heard the cracked tinkling of the bell, and, going into the corridor, opened the door. Stroeve stood before me.
There was the sound of a whining, tinkling hootchy-kootchy show.
有一种呜呜声, 叮叮当当 hootchy-kootchy 节目声音。
(bells tinkling) What up everyone, it's your girl Super Woman.
( 铃铛叮当作响)大家好,这是你们女超人。
She shook her head, her water rings tinkling at her neck.
She was suddenly startled by the tinkling alarum—high, sharp, and irregular—of a little bell.
When he returned for it he heard, to his relief and surprise, the tinkling of a Mozart Sonata.
当他回来拿它时, 他听到了莫扎特奏鸣曲叮当声, 这让他松了一口气, 也让他感到惊讶。
Within a short time she was walking briskly toward the Emeralds City, her silver shoes tinkling merrily on the hard, yellow road-bed.
And it seemed to her that kisses, voices, tinkling spoons, laughter, the smell of crushed grass were somehow inside her.
The only appreciable sounds were the dripping and tinkling of water failing into pools or faintly plashing on the crystal floors.
With the delicate tinkling of silver on porcelain, she rests her spoon on the saucer and finally looks at Henry
随着银器在瓷器上发出微妙叮当声,她把勺子放在碟子上, 最后看着亨利。
The small tributaries that do not reach back to the lasting snow fountains of the summit peaks shrink to whispering, tinkling currents.
" On the walls? Dragon, " shouted the wizard called Horace, as, with a deafening grinding and tinkling, the chandelier screwed itself back into the ceiling.
I don't know if boys are still into wind chimes these days, but I hope their gentle tinklings will always remind you of home.
There was a tinkling clatter on the road and then a rhythmic jangling as if the car was towing lengths of chain behind it.
路上传来叮当作响声音, 然后是有节奏叮当声, 就好像汽车在后面拖着长长铁链。
He could type faster and more quietly on the electric typewriter, but he missed the tinkling bell on the manual typewriter that signaled a new line.