So you did the tox screen on my carnie?
Animals' tox screens are much faster than humans'.
No. His tox screen is clear.
不是 他药物检验属正常。
Tox screen on the street pizza?
Tox screen on the street pasta?
We've already discussed the original tox report in detail.
Already got the tox reports back on our furry little friends.
=-然 -没有然了。
Okay, Lucy's tox report came back, not that it matters.
她回来时候 是戒了。
You used her as an incubator to cultivate a custom-made poison for which there is no tox screen.
Mrs. Cline's tox screen and titer both came back negative. I was sure I was right about that.
Cline 理分析和滴定试验结果都是阴性。对此我确信自己是对。
My e. t. o. h. and tox screens were pristine, so I wasn't drinking...Or under the influence. Ow.
Uh, electrolytes are within normal limits, urine tox was negative and E.K.G.'S fine. Tilt test is scheduled for noon.
So, what's the differential for a negative tox screen?
那么 理分析呈阴性能说明什么 - 不是中?
Her tox screen's clean, but she's still delusional.
她理测试什么也没有 但是她依然产生幻觉。
Oh, oh, and order tox screens and alcohol levels, too, right?
还要做理学检查和酒精浓度测试 对吗?
Uh, add a -- add a head C.T. and a tox screen.
加个 加个脑部CT和理学检查。
Preliminary tox screens on Gray reveal a mild barbiturate in his system.
No. They did a tox screen for alcohol and drugs after the accident.
不 车祸 警方做过酒精检查和药检。
Why? - I told the doctor how little I had to drink, - and he wanted to do a tox screen.
为什么 -我告诉医生我喝了一点酒他们要我做理检验。
But if I do eat lunch, it's usually again leftovers or like that week that I made corn cookies and tested it at home and had no one else to feed it tox.