Sweat trickles down my back as I traipse through a meadow of tall grass, ironweed, asters—and lots of poison ivy.
..rather than traipsed along on demonstrations, ...
The cat traipses in over the threshold.
They traipsed back to the Gryffindor common room to find it full.
Traipsing around individual galleries is inconvenient, particularly as galleries have moved out of central London.
Well, you think I'm just gonna pay for you to go traipsing around Europe?
Everyone traipsed back to the castle for a quick wash and then the Gryffindors hurried off to Transfiguration.
They traipsed back to the castle for a quick wash and then the Gryffindors hurried off to Transfiguration.
You ask us to find a guy, and you come traipsing in here with a guy of your own?
什么? 你叫我们帮你找 却自己带了个来?
I've seen strange men traipsing in and out of here for years, but when I do it, it's weird?
多年来不断有陌生出你家.可当是我时, 就奇怪了?
Meanwhile, life goes on around the man in no man's land, as Greek shoppers traipse past him to snap up Turkish bargains.
He traipsed off, holding his friend's hand.
" I don't see what you want to be traipsing about after dark for, " said Marilla shortly.
What, so I'm supposed to traipse all over town because of what she'd prefer?
怎么 那我就得满城跑来迎合她的喜好吗?
And they've been traipsing around the world for I don't 17 years now making this series.
他们一直世界各地游荡,因为我制作这个系列已经 17 年了。
A young woman was traipsing across the street, not wearing a coat, full of cheerful, loose energy, bright eyes.
一个年轻女子街上闲逛,没有穿外套, 充满了开朗、轻松的活力,眼睛明亮。
And then we spent the rest of the day traipsing around this beautiful city, desperately trying to find accommodation for the night.
I turn up in the wrong shoes with my little recorder and I'm traipsing around and saying hello to people.
我带着我的小录音机穿着错误的鞋子出现, 我四处闲逛并向们打招呼。
You ask us to find you a guy and then you come traipsing in here with a guy of your own? !
Phoebe:你让我们给你找个,然后你就带着你自己的流浪到这里来? !
Some 60 or 70 viewers would traipse round every house up for sale, recalls Josh Tesolin of Ray White, an estate agent.
大约 60 或 70 名观众会围着每栋待售房屋转悠,房地产经纪 Ray White 的 Josh Tesolin 回忆道。
She went on the stage, but she had no talent and she traipsed around the provinces playing small parts in second-rate companies at a miserable salary.