The tribesmen were as rebellious as ever.
A generation later, King Philip, son of Massasoit, the friend of the Pilgrims, called his tribesmen to a war of extermination which brought the strength of all New England to the field and ended in his own destruction.
一代人之后, 朝圣者的朋友马萨索伊特的儿子菲利普国王号召他的部落成员进行一场灭绝战争,这场战争汇集了整个新英格兰的力量, 并以他自己的毁灭告终。
Conway, who knew a little Pushtu, harangued the tribesmen as well as he could in that language, but without effect; while the pilot's sole retort to any remarks addressed to him in any language was a significant flourish of his revolver.