Every winder in church rattled as if 'twere a thunderstorm.
But he, or it, closed in upon us, as 'twere'.
但是他,或者它,就像“曾经” 那样接近了我们。
'Now, wait, ma'am. I don't say 'twere a low smell, mind ye.
Every jack o' em suffer from the rheumatism to this day, owing to a damp sty they lived in when they were striplings, as 'twere'.
直到今天,每个小男孩都患有风湿病, 这是因为他们小时候住在潮湿的猪圈里, 就像“过去” 一样。
I ha been thinkin then, Rachael, that as 'tis but a day or two that remains, 'twere better for thee, my dear, not t' be seen wi' me.
瑞秋,那时我一直在想, 既然只剩下一两天了, 亲爱的,最好不要被人看到和我在一起。
Well, little Freddy, you don't wish in the morning that 'twere evening, and at evening that 'twere morning again, do you, Freddy, trust ye for it'?
好吧,小弗雷迪,你不希望在那个晚上的早晨, 在那个晚上又是一个早晨, 弗雷迪,你相信吗?